Which mobile game app is trending in USA in last 30 days?

These days most people walk around with their mobile phones almost glued to their hands. It seems that we really are addicted to our mobile devices. We spend most of our time scrolling through social media, chatting around with friends, surfing the Web and playing games, all in the name of keeping our brains occupied or you can also term it as entertainment. Mobile games account for 33% of all app downloads, 74% of consumer spend and 10% of all time spent in-app, in today’s digital world. With the changing trends in demography, consumption and geography, it’s no surprise that the game space will get increased attention and investment, not just from within the industry, but more recently from traditional financial markets and even government sectors. With every day’s development of new games, the user’s interest keeps on fluctuating.
Let’s have a detailed analysis of the changing trends in mobile game apps:
Have a look on the graph below for 4 popular games that shows Interest Over time [Past 30 days]
The following colors depicts the gaming trends:
1. Star Wars Jedi - Blue
2. Stranger Things - Green
3. League of Legends - Yellow
4. PUBG - Red

Quite evidently Stranger Things gained an edge in January 2020 over the League of Legends, followed by PUBG & Star Wars Jedi in the last 30 days and exhibits people’s interest over time.
Interest for Popular Games 2020 in Subregions:
The followings graph depicts the emerging game apps in the USA with Stranger Things occupying the top most position.

Top subregions of USA in which Star Wars Jedi is popular
The following states exhibits the increase in interest in Star Wars Jedi over the last 30 days in USA.

Top subregions of USA in which PUBG is popular
The following states exhibits the increase in interest in PUBG over the last 30 days in USA.

Top subregions of USA in which League of Legends is popular
The following states exhibits the increase in interest in League Of Legends over the last 30 days in USA.

Top subregions of USA in which Stranger Things is popular
The following states exhibits the increase in interest in Stranger Things over the last 30 days in USA.

An analysis to the detailed mobile gaming app data represents that Stranger Things has remained on an gaining edge over the past 30 days in USA. It’s sustained consistency, positions it at a higher edge over other mobile game apps.