Future Software: No-Code Visual Coding

Future software is flipping and is seen as no-code. Digital computers were not really useful at their early phase. Punch cards and command oriented functions made it even complicated to use a computer. They were far from powerful but devilishly hard to program. Assembly codes were used to instruct, which was not only difficult but was ridiculously time consuming. With the introduction to FORTRAN in 1950s, it started to change. Command statement replaced assembly language with command statements that compiled the lower level code into something roughly resembled English. Later, high level languages built on basic logic was being used and turned low-level code into something even simpler.
Now, influencing companies like Zudy, Mendix and Quick Base are taking initiative to transform code into visual interfaces. Although the basic logic will be same as FORTRAN but it will replace coding and can be represented more simply and is considered as future softwware. These no code programming systems are expected to disrupt how software power enterprises.
“Visual interface is the key to no-code programming platforms”
Earlier, technology was in favour of big enterprises only as it would take huge investments and equipment. Expensive consultants were appointed to design and construct the system accordingly. Also., once they were built, it was not possible to modify or upgrade them as the procedure was time consuming and expensive as well. Attitude of developers was “we built it, you should like it”. But cloud disrupted this legacy by availing powerful system to the medium and small sized organisation via internet. APIs (application programming interfaces) makes it possible to connect with other possible systems. It basically changes the technical landscape by deploying agile services to SMEs but no-code software platforms are making it even simpler for the firms to gain competitive advantage over their rival firms using future software.
No-code platforms flipped the overall technical scenario, if we look closely. “A big part of the benefit to no-code or low-code platforms is that they let you access elements of a development environment visually rather than actually writing the code yourself. That accelerates development and improves quality at the same time.” visual interfaces are preferred because they are easy to understand and use for front-line managers and other non-technical people, not familiar to up-front technical programming. Visual interfaces enable them with better basic functionalities such as building their own screens, features and designs so that they can show developers what they want rather than try to explain it.
Now, computer systems are less high-tech and more user experience oriented. It offers more power to the users to utilise it for better use.