Bad Website: Common Signs And How To Fix Them

Is your website not getting enough conversions? Is your solid idea of a business website failing? Well, there might be some serious website issues that you have been ignoring for a long time. Just like any other health problem, website problems come in all sizes and shapes. Broadly, these fall into three major categories namely - content issues, user experience (UX) issues, and problems with the build or design itself.
While it is true that the increasing competition has left us all with no option but to focus more on our website design. There are several things that need to be considered when creating a website and there are some common website problems that add up to the bad website. Now, before we get onto the solution, let’s have a look at the possible reasons for a bad website.
Overload Of Menus
Too many menu options will play with human brains, and they might end up leaving your site. Yup, that’s true! Of course, you don’t want this situation with your site. If your website has too many options or it is loaded with too many drop-down boxes, the visitor can surely have a quick glance at your site but it won’t really urge them to seek them for some information. They might actually skip the space!
Unclear Information
Just like it's wrong when the user gets flooded with information, not finding the right information easily can also be a big-time problem. Trust me, it is a conversion killer for your brand! Most of the internet uses the audience, know-how, and where they’ll find information on the site. By placing the content in abnormal places, or putting key information in the hidden menu will create unnecessary confusion. What’s the end result? The users might end up using your site and move onto another competitor's site.
Making 404 Page A Dead End
As we all know 404 is a page that a user sees when a page no longer exists or when the user makes a typo error. Keep a regular check on Google Search Console and see the website error log, you can analyze how often that happens. Not finding the content can be frustrating and directly affect the user experience. If your 404 page is simply showing an apology or a back button, then you are losing a potential customer base. This page should focus on pointing to the key areas of the website rather than just being a dead end.
Too Many Callouts
Adding too many callouts on a site is a big no-no! The thing is that it directly affects the natural flow of the site. For example - if the users while reading an important piece of information are getting call-outs or pop-ups after every little space, can interrupt the whole website experience. The user will get annoyed and might end up leaving the website. Not just that, while designing the website, you should always consider SEO rules, so you don’t risk your rankings.
How to Fix Mistakes Of A Bad Website
Now, let’s talk about a solution. Here are a few ways that can help you in turning a bad website into a good one.
Get Onto The User Experience Issues
The first fix is to dive into the potential UX and UI design and how it can impact the overall user experience. Wondering, how to do that? Well, you can check the UX issues with navigation, menus, intrusive content, confusion callouts, or unclear button, by simply using tools like - Hotjar. This heatmap tool gives you a great overview of each user session wherein you will get to see live recording sessions. It will help you analyze how the visitor is actually using your sides, and understand which areas are working the best (hot zones) and which are being ignored (cold zones).
Apart from that, you can also view Google Analytics reports to get a better understanding of how and why your site is facing issues. Also, you can always take the help of A/B testing methods, especially when you are making the changes to the site. This way you can not only find out the main things that are affecting your site but also find elements that can help in solving the problems.
Revise, Restructure, And Re-Optimize Your Content
Grammatical mistakes or weak messaging on a site is a big turn-off for a user. It can directly affect the actual sense of your brand’s message and leave the user with missing information. So, the question is how to rectify the mistake. Well, your website copy should be written in a splendid way that directly targets your audience by addressing their pain points. You can follow these additional points to make a better impression.
Revisit your keywords strategy and rewrite the content.
Tailor your content, design, messaging, SEO around the primary audience.
Hire a professional content writing team that can help you fix the website copy issues and frame awesome content for your site.
Add some solid visualizations. You can add custom photography or go for free tools that can help in improving the graphics and photos on your website.
Plan a Solid Redesign
If the above steps are not giving you desired results, then you should switch to website redesigning or build. But, when to do this solution? Take some notes:
There is a need for stronger information architecture.
The site is not mobile-friendly
You are unable to add features or other page design-related issues.
The site is text-heavy, outdated, or minimal.
Heavy or bad visual content.
Wrapping Up!
Thinking of a website revamp might sound a little scary, but with the right solution, there is nothing to worry about. A defined website strategy can happily help you save time and money while reaching out to your target audience.
If you are seeking some professional help, then consult our website experts. Our bonafide team of professionals will not only consult you with different website structures but help you build an immersive website. Wait no more, and drop us your requirements!