A Comprehensive Guide to 8 Python Tools - Game Changers in 2022

There is no surprise to the popularity of mobile apps. They are trending everywhere! With millions of apps launched on the app stores, one can easily make out how important these have become in everyone’s lives today. To enhance the functionalities and features of the app, we have a plethora of tools and technologies today. Speaking of popular programming languages, we surely cannot miss Python. Ever since the technology was launched in the app development world, it has been stealing the limelight. The python ecosystem features several libraries that allow developers to create code easily and use it in running on mobile platforms like - iOS and Android. Popular apps like - Instagram, Pinterest, Netflix, and more are powered with Python.
According to Statista, 48.24% of developers prefer using Python for app development, thus making it the most used programming language worldwide. It is true to say that Python is everywhere! Now the question is what are the popular tools for creating Python? Well, this is exactly what we are going to talk about in this post. Let’s start digging into the details.
8 Python Tools For App Development To Use In 2022
Here is the list of Python tools for app development that you must use in the year 2022.
Basically, PyDev is a plugin for Eclipse IDE and is widely used for IronPython and Jython development. It focuses on debugging the graphical patterns, doing code analysis, and code refactoring. What’s the best thing about this tool is that Python development done using this tool can easily be compared to the Java development on Eclipse and that too is of really high quality.
Features Of PyDev:
Code completion comes with an auto-import feature.
Easy Django integration.
Refactoring, Debugger, and remote debugger.
Type hinting and quick code analysis.
One of the most loved Python development tools is PyCharms. The tool is designed by JetBrains and comes in two versions: Professional and Community. The Professional version features SQL support, web frameworks, and paid full-fledged IDE with scientific tools. The Community version offers code inspections, Python editor, test runner, VCS support, and graphical debugger.
Features Of PyCharm:
Offers all the features of IDE that include GUI-based test runner to the powerful debugger.
Smart code navigation and editor that features secure and advanced refactoring.
Extends great support to TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, CoffeeScript, and also their modern incomers.
The tool features Python IDE that comes with an in-built in Python 3, thus making it an exceptionally powerful tool. It is an easy-to-use tool with a clean and simple interface. Thonny allows the developers to make changes with ease and any complexity.
Features Of Thonny:
It highlights the code completion features and syntax errors.
Allows simple debugging with function keys like - F5, F6, and F7.
Easy installation with clean and simple pip GUI.
Another powerful Python tool on the list is Wing. This lightweight tool comes with three versions - Personal, Pro, and 101. It also offers a 30-day free trial period. The best thing about the trial period is that the software provides 10 minutes to the developers to migrate the applications before the trial period expires.
Features Of Wing:
It comes with an intelligent editor that has features like - configurable tabs, error indicators, split windows, flexible selection modes, and more.
Powerful debugger and smart editor to make the app development process quite accurate and fast.
The tool can easily recognize the code without introducing any errors.
It is an open-source IDE that is widely used to provide a scientific environment for the whole Python development process. It is considered to be one of the most powerful Python programs because of its strong community and features. Spyder includes an Anaconda package manager which allows easy distribution and integration of data science libraries like - SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib, and IPython.
Features Of Spyder:
Interactive execution, debugging, advanced analysis, and editing.
Smart code editor with syntax highlighting.
Comes with a variable explorer that can display the data inside the IDE. This feature makes the data science work quite easy for the developers.
An improved version of UNIX and a free text editor, Vim is a highly customizable Python development tool. It comes with a variety of extensions that makes the work of developers quite easy and accurate. Not just that, it also features a modal editor which separates the editing and viewing of the file.
Features Of Vim:
Syntax highlighting, advanced editing commands, and graphical versions.
Can integrate with a large ecosystem of plugins.
It is a command-centric tool that makes text-related tasks easy and effective in just a few commands.
Visual Studio Code
A lightweight and small tool that is highly customizable for major tasks. Visual Studio Code is an open-source tool that is available not only for Mac OS and Windows but also for Linux. This super functional tool makes the whole development process quite smooth.
Features Of Visual Studio Code:
It has an auto-complete code feature powered with IntelliSense enabling syntax completion based on the function definition.
Strong integration with GIT and a powerful debugging console.
Features a variety of plugins from the Visual Studio Code marketplace.
Built using Electron (an integrated framework that is used to create desktop applications), Atom is an open-source code editor that is easily available on all the leading platforms. The tool is lightweight and simple, thus allowing interface customization easy for the users. From basic functions to the interface, Atom allows easy customizations.
Features Of Atom:
Built-in package manager and cross-platform editing and file system browser.
Auto-completion feature to write the code faster.
Atom allows users to split the interface into a number of panes and allow them to edit and compare across the files.
Python is a fast and versatile language that has changed the app development graphs in the market. Whether you are a newbie or an expert Python developer, these Python tools will surely make the whole app development experience an incredible one. So, get your hands on these tools and make the most of them. Good luck and go ahead!